If you are in receipt of Universal Credit
Dear Parents and Carers,
Just a reminder that if you as a Parent or Carer, have access to Universal Credit, and an income of under £7,400 per year, then Stimpson Avenue can access additional funding to help enrich your child’s time at school.
Receipt of Pupil Premium funding will entitle your child to access educational school visits throughout their time at school, at a subsidised rate of 50% and receive a uniform voucher to the value of a free jumper or other uniform items.
It’s easy – you can either apply online at: www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals - you will get an instant answer to let you know if you are eligible and we at school will be notified.
You can text to apply by texting FSM, your full name, National Insurance Number (or NASS number), your date of birth, your child’s name and state Stimpson Avenue Academy.
Or, if you prefer, just come to the office with the above information and someone will help you to apply.