Pastoral support

A high quality of pastoral care is central to our ethos at Stimpson Avenue Academy.

We work in partnership with various external agencies, including with the Northamptonshire Mental Health Support Team, to support pupils to achieve their best, educationally, socially and emotionally.

Our Pastoral Support Team is made up of Mr James Mackness (Pastoral Lead), Mrs Sue Green (Pastoral Support Staff) and Stephanie Singlehurst (Attendance Officer). 

In addition, we have Mental Health First Aiders. These are: Mrs Luci Clapton (Head of School), Mrs Zoe McIntyre (Executive Headteacher), Mr Adrian Lett (Class Teacher), Mrs Sue Green (PPA Teacher and Pastoral Support), Mrs Elaine Battison (Administrator) and Mrs Fatema Khatun (Lunchtime Supervisor).

The aims of pastoral support:

  • To provide support that meets the differing needs of all children so that each child is equipped with the skills to cope with life.
  • To support children to address social, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical needs.
  • To maintain an atmosphere in which children feel secure, are encouraged in their learning, growth and social development and know that they are valued within a healthy and safe environment.
  • To reassure parents/carers their children are being educated in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • To work with a range of stakeholders, parents, support staff, outreach agencies and other schools to ensure the continuity and progress of individual pupils.

The role of the Pastoral Support Team:

  • To support and work alongside parents in addressing pastoral concerns impacting on their child’s learning and development.
  • To work with staff in ensuring good pupil support and build upon the caring and respectful relationships that exist between staff, pupils and families.
  • To provide support to individual children; listening and talking to children who may need support in a variety of pastoral issues, for example, self-esteem and confidence, bereavement, managing feelings, anxieties/worries, separation and developing social and friendships skills.
  • Responding to situations as they arise within school.
  • Meeting with parents/carers to discuss issues relating to their child.
  • To ‘signpost’ families to outside services for appropriate provision and support.

The role of the Pastoral Leader 

Mr Mackness works within school to help children and families with any difficulties they may be experiencing.  He is available to listen, offer support and practical advice. For more detailed information about the role of the Pastoral Leader, please click here

Early Help

We are always looking to be able to offer the earliest possible support for your family before levels of crisis are reached. School can lead on an Early Help plan that allows us to access support and advice from many agencies and act as the point of contact and support in ensuring appropriate services are invited to meetings and action plans are agreed to ensure that support is continuously moving forward. 

In-house Support

To support families at our school, we offer the following ‘in house’ support:

  • Breakfast and After School Club (WRAP)
  • School Nurse referrals and support
  • Jo Go Behaviour Support
  • Speech and Language Support
  • Attendance Support
  • Food packages
  • Freedom Programmes (for domestic abuse)
  • 1, 2, 3 Magic (parenting support)
  • Family Art Club

We can also refer families in need to the following services, as part of the Local Offers:

  • Health Visiting Service
  • SALT (NHS Speech and Language Therapist)
  • Community Paediatrician
  • Service Six
  • PCSO (Community Policing)
  • Parenting Programmes
  • NDAS (Northampton Domestic Abuse Service)
  • Early Help Hub
  • CAN/Substance to Solution (Drug and Alcohol Support Service)
  • Sunflower Centre (Victims of Domestic Abuse)
  • Healthy Living Advisors
  • Target – Online Safety
  • Pearls of Peace (Community group dedicated to Muslim ladies)
  • Sleep Right
  • Target Autism

Useful websites

Northamptonshire Children's Trust Early Help and Support - 

Young Minds - YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Samaritans - Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen

Northampton Mind Crisis Cafes -

Voice Northants - About Voice Northants | Voice for Victims & Witnesses

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership - Worried about a child? - Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Board (  

Childline -


CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) -

Get in Touch

To get in touch with Stimpson Avenue Academy please click on the link below, or call us on 01604 346800

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